Let’s Make Every Day Earth Day

It seems pretty obvious, but it will always bear repeating… We only have one Earth (unless Elon is holding out on us), so let’s do everything we can to make it last.

Today is Earth Day, the one day a year that we really emphasize taking action to protect our planet…

Don’t you think we should do that every day?

Here at Wristband Bros we’re doing our best to take that to heart.

From using 100% recycled and reusable poly mailer bags to our a Wristband Recycling Program (which is a win-win for you and Mother Earth), we’re taking sustainability seriously.

How can you recycle your wristbands?

It’s simple! Send us your old wristbands to recycle, and we’ll send you a code for 10% off an order of new ones. Help the planet and save some money? What more can you ask for?

Learn more about how to recycle your wristbands via the button below:

Ready to recycle the old and customize some new?

Get Started »