If you’re looking for fundraising ideas for an important cause, you’re not alone. According to Giving USA, America’s charitable donations hit an all time high in 2015:
“Donations from America’s individuals, estates, foundations and corporations reached an estimated $373.25 billion in 2015, setting a record for the second year in a row.”
373 billion. With a B! That’s a whole heck of a lot of money raised. Now, you’re probably not looking to raise a billion dollars. Or even a million dollars, for that matter. And if you are, you should probably skip to the next article. We’re going to focus this post on easy to plan and even easier to execute ideas that will make your fundraiser a giant (relatively speaking, Mr. Warren Buffett) success!
5 Fundraising Ideas That Won’t Drain Your Funds First
5. A Consignment Sale.
I know what you’re thinking. Consignment sale? I’m not some hipster trying to find a 30-year-old pair of jeans to wear at my wedding. I’m trying to raise money here! Well, before you go full-bananas on me, consider this:
Why not start a clothing, furniture and other odd items drive. Have your donors give you their old clothes or clocks instead of Benjamins and Jacksons. Even offer to pick the items up for them. For most of the donors, it will be a relief to clear out the house for a good cause. Now take those items to the nearest consignment shop (or shops, if you’ve collected a lot) and watch the money pour in.
The best part of this plan? Any unsold items can then be donated to someone like the Salvation Army. They’ll make sure none of the items go to waste!
4. Organize A Scavenger Hunt.
Now that you’re thinking a little outside the box, I bet your ears perked up at “scavenger hunt.” Now, this is going to require some kick-butt work ethic and a creative mind. The organizers will need to create an over-riding theme (like hidden power orbs that, once brought together at a specific location, create a surge of power capable of summoning a… You get the point.) Then create a series of clues that lead people from one orb to the next.
Have participants pay to register and compete against one another, for both good fun and good funds, too.
3. A Doggy Tea Party.
This is a good one if you’re raising money for dogs, or any animal-related cause. Make sure you’ve got access to a nice backyard (preferably with a sturdy fence). Then contact everyone you know with a pet and ask them to purchase a ticket to a doggy tea party. Advertise on Facebook, through fliers at all your local veterinary hospitals, and through stalking Instagram (the dog owners will be immediately obvious). Serve treats for the pups and human food for the, well, humans. This is one tea party that’s destined to bring smiles to everyone involved.
2. A Video Game Tournament.
This is a great idea to attract the 35 and younger crowd. I’m thinking a retro game would be best. Perhaps a Sega Genesis version of Mortal Kombat or the Nintendo 64 version of Golden Eye. Or you could go a little newer and have the tournament feature Halo or Madden NFL Football. Solicit an entry fee from all combatants. The winner gets bragging rights and the opportunity to hand the check over to whatever non-profit or fundraising cause you’ve been raising cash for. It’s an evening of great fun, competition and an easy way to drum up some quick cash.
1. Make Custom Wristbands
I mean, come on! What did you think would be number 1 on a list of fundraising ideas hosted by us? We’re Wristband Bros, after all. But beyond that, custom wristbands are just a super-quick and easy way to make cash fast. You can design a wristband on our site (or sure, a competitors) in literally seconds. The checkout is even faster and the items will be at your door in 7-12 days. The cost is crazy cheap, too. If you purchase 200 wristbands, you will get them for around 65 cents an item. You’ll be able to sell that same wristband as a fundraising item for $5. Doing some quick math, that’s a $130 investment netting an $870 profit! I believe that officially makes wristbands for fundraising the biggest no-brainer on planet earth.