LISC Spending $25 Million To Help Low Income Rhode Islander’s

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) is distributing 25 million dollars in the form of grants and loans for daycare, education, affordable housing and public safety in Rhode Island.

Say what?!

Jimy Carrey playing a Rhode Island State Trooper in My, Myself and Irene

The cash comes from state, federal and private donations. Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo says she hopes the influx of funds will help kickstart what is seen as a lagging local economy.

The Local Initiatives Support Corporation is celebrating its 25th anniversary in Rhode Island, so the $25 million figure is quite an appropriate one!

To learn more about LISC, head here.

PS: The picture of Jim Carrey is working on two levels. If you’ve never seen Me, Myself and Irene, stop everything you’re doing and watch it now. Jim plays a Rhode Island State Trooper in the classic comedy. He’s wearing the uniform in the photo. Rhode Island… The biggest little state in the union!