Child Tracker Wristband Being Developed By BYU Students

Wristband company Kiband is making waves with their child tracker wristband and phone application. Basically, your child wears this wristband with a gps component inside. If your child wanders an unsafe distance away, your phone is alerted. The phone application will then lead you right to your missing charge. My initial thoughts are that this is a good idea. While certainly not original, I’m not sure anyone’s executed this concept in a way that would make it popular in the mainstream. Has Kiband done that? I’m not so sure.

My beef? The wristband is simply too bulky. I can’t imagine this being too popular or comfortable with the kids forced to wear them:

Kiband tracker wristband made by

Now am I saying I don’t think will succeed? Heck no. I think the company is young, smart and inventive. That’s a great combination for any young start up. And the fact they’ve built a companion smartphone app puts them ahead of the game. Young parents will welcome their easy to use interface and find it comforting that they can track their young kids on their iphones.

Kiband phone application

My final takeaway? Kiband is on to something with this tracker wristband, but I struggle with the bulk of the current product. But if you remember the iphone 1, the first iteration is just that: a first iteration. Give this company some time and I think they may be able to succeed in a big way.