Yes we LAN!…yards.

This past December we announced a few upgrade options for you, our favorite customer. In our quest to provide you with as many quality, customizable merch products as possible we added lanyards and keychains to our portfolio, as well as the option to add glitter to your wristbands and have them individually bagged. Since then, quite a few of you have taken advantage of these upgrades, especially the lanyards, and we’re excited to show you what those finished products look like.


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Wristbands Far and Wide: Vol. 1

It’s the social media age, and while that comes with both positives and negatives, we do enjoy keeping up with our customers. We’re very fortunate to have made millions of wristbands for people all over the globe, and thanks to Instagram, we get to see their silicone creations enjoy a life after they’ve left our hands. Today, we wanted to share a few of our favorite customer Instagram posts with you.


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