The Most Popular Bracelet Colors In 2015

So you’re ordering rubber bracelets and you’ve got one question on your mind: Which rubber bracelet color is the most popular?

I know it’s true, because I hear the question every day. So I decided to go over all of our orders thus far in 2015 to put together a handy little pie chart:

most popular bracelet colors in 2015

As you can see, America loves the color black. 25% of our orders this year have been on a black wristband. 1 in 4! I know, the number surprised me, too. If America was personified by our rubber bracelet preferences, we’d be a very somber bunch:

winona ryder wearing all black in beatlejuice the movie

And poor brown. So under-selected. So unloved. Which is funny. I’m pretty sure everyone’s favorite emoji is the smiling poop emoji. Which, by the way, might just be smiling chocolate ice cream?

smiling poop or chocolate ice cream gif

Our Bracelet Color Chart Methodology Explained

In order to make sure we got America’s color preference right, we dug deep and filtered out orders that would skew our data. We tried to identify and remove any order where color was the result of an obligation rather than a preference. For instance, we removed any pink wristband orders that mentioned breast cancer or any wristband designed to match a company or brand color. Our rationale? Those orders didn’t really have a choice for color, so they shouldn’t be used to draw any color preferences. The end result of this labor, we feel, is an accurate look at the true popularity of every bracelet color.

You may also notice we only accounted for 11 colors in our chart. For simplicity sake, we counted any shade of green as 1 point for green. Any shade of blue was a point for blue. This method was adhered to for all colors. Otherwise, our chart would have contained 73 color shades. We felt such a convoluted chart wouldn’t provide as much value.

Credit to Peter Miller for the emoji gif.