It’s time to announce our 16th #ExpressWhatMatters giveaway winner. The winners are starting to pile up. I hope we don’t go broke!
Before we get to our winner, don’t forget to enter for your chance at a $100 Wristband Bros gift card! All you have to do is post a picture of your wristbands on social media (Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram) with the hashtag #ExpressWhatMatters and tag us @WristbandBros. New winners are selected monthly!
This month’s winner is a special musician that not only produces great music, but does so to further awareness for an important cause. His name is Justin and his band is Grades of Absolute Truth. Check out his winning post:
Justin has created some awesome looking wristbands to promote his music and his fight against Multiple Sclerosis. Check out his website, GradesofAbsoluteTruth.com, to learn more about his journey. He’s an inspiring person!