New Minimum, Folks! Order As Few As 50 Wristbands

50 fever overlaid on to silicone wristbands

The people have spoken. And the people want lower minimum order sizes. At first we said it couldn’t be done. I mean, we’re not miracle workers– We’re just human beings! But then we took out our pencils with the star-shaped erasers on top and got to work. We scribbled day and night, running intense algorithms through our patent-pending magical wristband robot machine. The robot died twice during these intense days and nights, and each time we brought it back by dragging it to the highest lighthouse and waiting for lightning to strike.

The second time we were in that lighthouse, waiting for the sky to open up and bring electricity down on our magic robot’s head, something crazy happened. The lightning struck us, too. And with that lightning strike came an idea:

Why don’t we just set the minimum at 50 wristbands?


lightening strike seen from the distance with multiple arching bolts

Gone are the days where you need to order 100 wristbands. That’s soooo anytime before July 26th, 2016. In the future… In July 26th, 2016 or later, there is only one solid silicone truth:

50 is the new 100.

And 50 is oh so cool.

Start designing today!