Photo by Jenna Michele Photography
In response to the horrible act of terror at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, tens of thousands of people have donated to a GoFundMe campaign organized by Equality Florida that will directly benefit the victims. As of this writing, nearly 3.2 million dollars has been raised. That’s a record for the GoFundMe website, surpassing the previous fundraising record by over 1 million dollars.
Unfortunately, it’s not yet enough. 49 people lost their lives in this tragic event, leaving their families not only awash in grief, but also in expense. This is a time no family should need to worry about money. Donating to this cause is a meaningful thing to do on your Tuesday morning.
And while the deaths of 49 souls dominates our news headlines, this terrible event effected a further 53 people who were sent to local hospitals with injuries of varying degrees. These people will also need financial and emotional support in the coming days, weeks, months and years.
When you think about the totality of this horrible evening in Florida, 3.2 million dollars starts to feel like a rather small amount. There’s so much more work we as a people need to do to help make this community whole again. A first step in that process is taking a moment to head to the GoFundMe campaign to make a donation, big or small, and to start loving one another no matter their race, religion, or sexual orientation.
Note: Over $60,000 was raised in the time it took me to write this blog post. It’s a great thing to see.