Download the PDF for printing here: Wristband Size Chart.
****Make sure to de-select “Fit to page” or any other re-sizing print options. The pdf file is accurately sized as is, and any of these printing measures will lead to an incorrect print out.****
One of the most common questions posed to Wristband Bros is this: “What the heck size is adult sized? Is this adult-me, or adult-my-neighbor who plays semi-professional football for the Canadian Bacons?
Ok, so maybe it’s not put to us in exactly that way. But the point is, people want to know what our wristband sizes look like on their wrist. Answering 202mm really only helps math and spatial wizards like Chris Langan. Us regular people, we need something more tangible.
Enter the wristband size chart PDF print out. If printed on an 8 x 11 at normal zoom, this document should print 4 colored rectangles in exactly the sizes of our various wristband sizes. From there, all you need is a passable pair of scissors and you can cut some pretty impressive real-word stand-ins for our silicone wristbands. Wrap the various paper cutouts around your wrist and order the size you think is most appropriate for your project.
So what are you waiting for? Download the wristband size chart pdf from the link above and get snipping!